Pirun Seng

Ruby on Rails Developer

Setup Docker Machine With VM and Known Issues

Hi There, today I am going to share steps, but not actually how as I will leave a reference to the Docker docs at the end, to set up Docker Machine and some known issues I have experienced.

  1. Install Docker
  2. Install Docker Machine
  3. Download and Install VirtualBox (VirtualBox-5.2.18-124319-OSX.dmg)
  4. Create Docker Machine
  5. Known issues:
    • Failed to install VirtualBox on MacOS. You may find this link helpful; How to Install VirtualBox on macOS Mojave and High Sierra
    • Failed to create docker machine. The solution that works for me is just to reboot machine. After reboot, I could create docker machine successfully.
    • docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? => This means that your Docker is not running. So you may just run your Docker app, and see that it is running. That should fix this problem.

Reference: https://docs.docker.com/machine/install-machine

Nice day,